Lab Director, Dr. Kristen Lindquist, will be joining the faculty in the Department of Psychology at Ohio State University as the Weary Endowed Chair of Social Psychology. The lab will thus be moving to OSU in summer 2025. We’re excited for a new location and new research opportunities, but sad to leave our home for 12 years at UNC. Graduate applicants interested in applying to work with Dr. Lindquist should apply through OSU’s department. See more at Join.
Dr. Jacob Dai accepts faculty position!
Congrats to Dr. Jacob Dai, who will be joining the Psychology faculty at Georgia State University next year as an Assistant Professor! We’ll miss you, Jacob!
Michelle Shipkova receives travel award to attend FLUX conference
3rd year graduate student Michelle Shipkova received an award to present her research on emotional granularity and emotion regulation in teens at the FLUX conference in September, 2024. Congrats, Michelle!
Dr. Lindquist speaks to White House on Safe and Inclusive STEM environments
Dr. Lindquist met with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Interagency Working Group on Safe and Inclusive STEM Environments (IWG-SISE) to advise on how psychological science can make STEM environments safer and more inclusive. Read more here.
Dr. Angelica Carranza to join project SUPER Brain!
We are thrilled that Dr. Angelica Carranza will join our SUPER Brain project as a NIDA-sponsored postdoctoral scholar! Dr. Carranza received her PhD in Human Development from the University of California, Davis and is interested in how youth’s familial and cultural context interacts with neurobiology to shape social and emotional development. She’ll begin in September, 2024.
Michelle Shipkova defends her MA thesis!
Second year graduate student Michelle Shipkova defended her MA thesis entitled “The role of children’s emotion word knowledge on the links between parent emotion socialization and child outcomes.” She’s pictured here with advisors Margaret Sheridan and Kristen Lindquist. Congrats, Michelle!
Undergraduate students present at the UNC Celebration of Research Day
Lab undergraduates Nina Song, Jennifer Fan, and Dujana Buheis present their CASL research at the UNC Undergraduate Celebration of Research.
Lab Undergraduates present their Senior Honors Theses
Lab undergraduates Mia Foglesong, Adelaide Harper, and Carson St. Denis present their Senior Honors Theses at the Undergraduate Honors Thesis poster conference in the UNC Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. Mia and Adelaide are pursuing careers in neuroscience and Carson is pursuing a career in medicine following graduation.
The CASL welcomes new graduate student Gretchen Wulfekuhle!
The CASL is thrilled to welcome incoming graduate student, Gretchen Wulfekuhle who will be joining us from Florida State University, where she is currently a Research Coordinator in the Gratton lab. Gretchen will work jointly with the CASL and the Cohen lab at UNC and is interested in understanding how the neural networks that underlie emotions and social behavior change in aging! Congrats and welcome Gretchen!
The CASL welcomes new graduate student Jingyi Luo!
The CASL is thrilled to welcome incoming graduate student, Jingyi Luo who will be joining us from the University of Hong Kong, where she is currently a MA student in neuropsychology and human neuroscience. Jingyi is interested in pursuing research on the role of interoception in emotion across the lifespan! Congrats and welcome Jingyi!